FY12 Projects

Smith Renaissance Society Donor Development

2:1 Challenge Match

Submitted by John Hopkins, Senior Development Director for Undergraduate Experience

Sponsored by Mike Graydon and Betsy Buchalter Adler

Approved August 2011


A 2:1 Challenge Match campaign to increase the donor base for the Smith Renaissance Society in order to maintain the level of student support and guarantee the sustainability of the program. Bill Dickinson will be awarded the Fiat Lux Award at the Scholarship Benefit Dinner on February 25, 2012.  This signature campus event will be an excellent occasion to publicize SRS and attract new donors.  Further efforts to expand donor support will include a) using the Telephone Outreach Program along with an appeal letter to a strategic population of approximately 1,500 alumni and friends; b) personal cultivation and solicitation visits of existing donors; c) the production of a low-cost video by UCSC alumnus and Smith Senior Fellow, Dan Hancox.  A special edition of the Smith Renaissance Society newsletter will be produced featuring the challenge match from the Board Opportunity Fund and announcing the goal for the fundraising campaign.


  • Increase donor base and pipeline
  • Increase the number of new donors by 100-150 using the telephone outreach program and associated annual gift solicitation letter.
  • Cultivate 10-15 current donors to increase their annual gift to $500 - $1,000.
  • Develop and execute a plan for annual regional events aimed at the care and feeding of donors
  • Involve SRS student leaders and young alumni in cultivation and stewardship of key donors.
  • Develop a new video that features SRS student stories to be used at events.
  • Raise an additional $25,000 via new donors, and increased gifts.  This figure plus the total raised for the Smith Renaissance Society will be announced at the Scholarship Benefit Dinner.

Amount funded: $14,000 ($10,000 for 2:1 challenge match, $3,000 for video, $1,000 for special newsletter.)

Key UCSC faculty and staff:

John Hopkins

A Friend to Cowell

Submitted by John Hopkins, Senior Development Director for Undergraduate Experience

Sponsored by Mike Graydon

Approved October 2011


To start a long-term development and engagement program,
A Friend to Cowell
, that generates significant funds from Cowell alumni, parents, and community members for the college’s highest funding priorities. The program will employ a matching fund strategy, and will ask “silent phase” investors to double the matching fund from $10k to $20k to $40k, etc. Then the program will move into its “public phase”, and offer donors a 1:1 match for their annual or major gifts, up to the matching fund limit.


  • To leverage $10,000 from the BOF to generate $50k-$100k in philanthropic support over the next 12-24 months for Cowell’s highest funding needs.
  • To boost the quality of the student and teaching experiences by enhancing undergraduate curriculum, providing direct support for students in financial need, augmenting advising services, and raising awareness of culture and the arts through improvements to Cowell Galleries and press.  
  • To have a positive impact on Cowell alumni, parents, and donor relations through volunteer involvement, stewardship, and partnering with the Provost on special events. 

Amount funded: $10,000 for matching fund

Key UCSC faculty and staff:

Faye Crosby, Provost, Cowell College

John Hopkins, Sr. Director of Development, University Relations

Frankie Melvin, Director of Development, University Relations


Mock Trial Team Support FY12

Submitted by Nancy Angus, Associate Director of Development, Social Sciences

Sponsored by Paul Hall, Betsy Adler, and Linda Peterson

Approved October 2011


To help provide support for the UCSC Mock Trial Team to compete in the championship series and parlay their 2011 excellent showing into national recognition and momentum for the program. The immediate need is for $10,000 for travel expense money to attend mock trial competitions in Georgia and Washington, D.C., in October and November, respectively.  Trustee alumni lawyers will make personal solicitations to a select list of lawyer prospects. UR Constituent Engagement will develop a long-range plan to acquire and build a donor base.  Two events will be held to develop a Bay Area alumni lawyer networking group. The overall goal is to raise $55,000 to cover the FY12 annual budget for the Mock Trial Team to attend competitions in Irvine, Fresno, and St. Paul, Minnesota if the Team makes Nationals again, and provide funds for coaching, honoraria for speakers, etc. to promote its chances to succeed once again. 


  • To double student participation in the Mock Trial Team, provide reasonable meal, hotel, and travel accommodations designed to foster well-rested, stress-free, and prepared competitors with the opportunity to compete with their peers and take the national recognition previously realized for UCSC to the next step.
  • To engage alumni lawyers and develop a professional lawyer affinity group. 

Amount funded: $5,000 to provide short-term support for October and November competitions.

Key UCSC staff:

Jeff Shilling, Associate Vice Chancellor for Strategic Philanthropy

Howard Heevner, Assistant Vice Chancellor of Constituent Engagement

Nancy Angus, Assoc. Director of Development, Social Sciences

Ann McCrow, Foundation Director

Allison Garcia, San Francisco Regional Program team Ethics Bowl Support FY12

Submitted by Kyle Robertson, Doctoral Candidate/Graduate Student Teaching Fellow, Philosophy Department

Sponsored by Linda Peterson

Approved February 2012  

Ethics Bowl Support FY12

Submitted by Kyle Robertson, Doctoral Candidate/Graduate Student Teaching Fellow, Philosophy Department

Sponsored by Linda Peterson

Approved February 2012


The UCSC Ethics Bowl team is co-sponsored by the Philosophy Department and Stevenson College. On December 3, 2011, the UCSC Ethics Bowl team won the California Regional Competition, and the team was invited to compete in the Sixteenth Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl competition in Cincinnati, OH on March 1, 2012. This one time funding request allowed the Ethics Bowl team to attend this competition as well as the annual meeting of APPE. An annual fund-raising program has been put into place to ensure travel expenses moving forward. 


  • To represent UCSC and win the National competition.
  • To provide a powerful and unique learning experience for participating students.
  • To develop critical thinking and oral advocacy skills and train students in the skills of active participation in public political life.
  • To participate in a prestigious national academic conference, providing insight into the life of an academic.
  • To contribute to UCSC’s recognition as a campus of choice in undergraduate education.

Amount funded: $3,500 to cover the FY12 travel expense gap.

Key UCSC faculty and staff:
Daniel Guevara, Associate Professor, Philosophy Department

Jessica Samuels, Stevenson Lecturer

Sandra Dreisbach, Doctoral Candidate

Kyle Robertson, Doctoral Candidate/Graduate Student Teaching Fellow